School Magazine

a Brief for the School Magazine

What elements will your magazine focus on?

My school magazine will focus on music & music technology in the school and it’s going to be called “Music & Tech”.

What is the target audience?

This magazine is for the Wycliffe College students that are interested in music, have Music or Music Technology as a lesson and want to learn more about this area, but particularly these are teenagers starting from 14-15 years old. It suits both female & male.

Examples of content

It’s going to have all the music concerts information & calendars. It will also include some interviews of music teachers about their job and music experience as well as interviews of any other teachers and their thoughts about the music. My magazine will contain some researchers on music such as what kind of music do most of our students listen to or how many hours per day they’re listening to the music.

What do you want the magazine to offer the reader?

Interesting music stuff. Piano tutorials for the beginners or advanced players. Competitions which prize could be some concert tickets.

What is editorial style of your magazine? Tone & Register

I want it to be more formal in terms of fonts, but informal in terms of language & tone. I don’t want to make it childish, so all the fonts would be formal and stylish.

Ideas for style of your photography and overall graphic/compositional design

A girl sitting by a synthesiser making a direct address to the reader. For these cover I will try to use 3 or 4 colours. For the contents page I will make a collage out of collection of photos form different pages and use the same colours as on the cover.

Give some example names for your magazine

  • Music Technology
  • Music & Tech
  • Music & Co

Cover Page


Contents Page
