Flat Plans

Here are my 2 types of flatplans:




• Cover:

I tried to define the main color for the cover – purple. The model would wear a white shirt.

• Contents

At first I wanted to give it a look of a broke glass, than each section is something different:

  • Picture
  • Text
  • Picture
  • Text
  • Picture
  • Text

in this kind of pattern.

• Double page spread

I decided to put a model on a chair, so she could sit and make her look comfortable, calm and confident about herself to show that that’s what her music is about – confidence and calmness.



• Cover

I tried to use some dark colors, what can be more related to rock, however I think color Red could be more effective and could attract more people to buy my magazine and that’s what I’m going to fix in my real cover. Also I will review my font choices, as you can see here is a huge variety of them and I need to pick maximum two fonts which will appear on the cover

• Contents

I created synergy between cover page & contents by using nearly the same dark colors, with the exception of bright colors of “Contents” text and “Regulars” text. In my real contents page I will add more articles and pictures probably will be more straight located.

• Double Page-Spread

My DPS is definitely more synergetic to a cover page and that creates a relationship between the article and the main image on the cover what only good thing for my magazine. However I’m probably going to change the picture, but it’s going to be the same composition with blue chair and a model in a white shirt.


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