Poll Daddy Evaluation

When I asked people what kind of prize they want to see if my magazine had a competition – majority of them answered that they want free tickets for a gig. 31% percent of asked chose a real autograph from their favourite musician. 15% would like to get a free CD, whereas only 11% would like to receive a poster.

My next question was about people hobbies. Not surprisingly that the highest percentage belongs to ‘Music ‘with 23%! Then it goes reading with 19%. Sport and Socialising with friends took the same 15% of people that voted. Dancing & Clubbing gained the smallest percentage of asked – 11% & 9% respectively.

27 voters or 64% of asked prefer digital copies or streaming services for consuming music in my next question “Do you buy CD’s?”, however 21% buy CDs very often and 14% buy it rarely.

The age of people who were taking a part in my poll was from 16 to 25 years old – 91%! 9% were older than 25 and no one was younger than 16, also there were more males than females (54% vs. 46%) – that could mean that the target audience for my future rock magazine will be these people aged 16-25 and males in average, because they were choosing the aspects for my magazine.

52% of people would spend from £1 to £4 on a high quality magazine. 41% would spend from £4 to £10, 6% would spend more than £10 and nobody would spend less than £1!

80% of asked always buy magazine in the shop, so that can mean that I will use a barcode on my cover to make it look like it’s an actual physical copy of a magazine. Speaking of the cover, main image is the most important thing on the cover, because more tan 50% of the people voted that it attracts them and they magazine mainly because of the main image! More than 20% look at the bright colors first, 11% on the text and 5% on the price!

In addition majority of the asked people want to see Album Reviews, Interviews and Celeb Stories in this type of magazine.